"Nothing like an amazing workout first thing on a Saturday morning to de-stress from the work week and start your weekend off right!"
"I've been working with Sean McCullin for the last two weeks and my workouts have been crazy fun. Already I notice a difference in muscle tone and overall strength. Sean, you have a gift my friend. I'm definitely stoked for the next session."
"If you are looking for a great workout and a great trainer, then try GI Fitness with Sean. You feel great; look good; and Sean will work with you to achieve your goals. I am not just saying this because I am Sean’s friend, I am also a client and I feel GREAT!!!!!"
"Class was great! My body is killing me! Definitely seeing great results though...thanks a lot!!"
"Training with Sean was GREAT! for many reasons...First, his sessions were dynamic... we never settled into a boring, repetitive routine - he was always changing things up, and no two session were quite alike!...Second, because working out with Sean as my trainer became FUN and CHALLENGING, it was easier to allocate the time and elevate the physical activity to the priority it needed to be in my life if I were going to make any real progress. Third and most importantly, he was instrumental in my overcoming the psychological barriers that I had concerning working out, eating right and loosing weight...I'm in my 50's and with Sean's help, 50 became the new 30 for me."